Pretty Vacant

Recensies Pretty Vacant, Centraal Museum Utrecht:


— Ignant

"The sky blue installation ‘Pretty Vacant’ encourages visitors to take a fresh look at the empty spaces of the Centraal Museum in Utrecht, Netherlands. The blue window literally and figuratively sheds a new light on the space and complements the architecture of this medieval chapel. The window is based on the ‘negative spaces’ of RAAAF’s earlier installation Vacant NL.... RAAAF is a young studio that represents in an outstanding way the new developments at this intersection. Museum Director Edwin Jacobs describes them as ‘the talents in field of spatial interventions, without equivalent in any existing architectural or theoretical discourse. They are real new-thinkers in images." 


More publicity:

>>> Centraal Museum Netherlands

>>> Archdaily

>>> Designboom

>>> MVT Journal

>>> Divisare

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Projects > Pretty Vacant > Pretty Vacant  |  introduction  |  01  |  02  |  04  |  negative spaces  |  opinions